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Дата: 10-12-2024 18:23 Автор: Maklane  Leks  0  

Скопируйте следующий код в Google Colab и нажмите «play», затем нажмите на кнопку загрузить файл (upload) под кодом.

 from google.colab import files
 import re
 # Made by Maklane for the Stalker Mod Community.
 # Upload the file from your local machine
 uploaded = files.upload()
 # Extract the filename from the uploaded dictionary
 input_file = list(uploaded.keys())[0]
 # Set the output filename
 output_file = "ItemGenerators_modified.cfg"
 # Define the regex patterns for each field
 patterns = {
 "MinCount": re.compile(r'(MinCount\s*=\s*)(\d+(\.\d+)?)'),
 "MaxCount": re.compile(r'(MaxCount\s*=\s*)(\d+(\.\d+)?)'),
 "AmmoMinCount": re.compile(r'(AmmoMinCount\s*=\s*)(\d+(\.\d+)?)'),
 "AmmoMaxCount": re.compile(r'(AmmoMaxCount\s*=\s*)(\d+(\.\d+)?)')
 # Define the individual multipliers for each pattern
 pattern_multipliers = {
 "MinCount": 0.05,
 "MaxCount": 0.30,
 "AmmoMinCount": 0.30,
 "AmmoMaxCount": 0.30
 with open(input_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fin, open(output_file,
 "w", encoding="utf-8") as fout:
 for line in fin:
 new_line = line
 # Check each pattern and replace values using its own
 for key, pattern in patterns.items():
 match = pattern.search(new_line)
 if match:
 original_value = float(match.group(2))
 multiplier = pattern_multipliers[key]
new_value = int(round(original_value * multiplier))
 # Replace the original value with the new integer value
 new_line = pattern.sub(r"\g<1>{}".format(new_value),
 print("Modified file created:", output_file)
 # Download the modified file


Загрузите нужный файл .cfg, нажав на кнопку, расположение которой показано на скришоте ниже:

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