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Rot 999
Посты: 153
Откуда: Минеральные Воды
15-07-2010 11:33 GMT3 час. #1292052   
Блин, опять вопрос...Вот я делаю 2 локации с переходами между ними как здесь: _http://stalkerin.gameru.net/wiki/index.php/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F_-%3DinGame_%D0%90%D0%98%3D- Но вот там, где написано создайте батник с таким текстом:
@start /wait bins\ai\1.exe -g atp_1
@start /wait bins\ai\1.exe -g atp_2

у меня aiwrapper выдаёт ошибку, что не может найти bins\ai\1.exe Что делать?

Посты: 960
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
15-07-2010 11:36 GMT3 час. #1292054   
Rot 999 это для другого компилятора, тебе в батнике надо писать
aiwrapper -g atp_1 и
aiwrapper -g atp_2

Last Day Mod Team work |==>>>ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ДЕНЬ
Кто понял с первого раза,
Тот ловит музу,
Когда каждая фраза
Ломает все сразу.
Rot 999
Посты: 153
Откуда: Минеральные Воды
15-07-2010 12:02 GMT3 час. #1292070   
Sine, сделал так, как ты сказал, но теперь выбивает ошибку когда собираю game graph, то есть aiwrapper -m.
***Assertion failed***
Expression: M != (*K).second->m_tVertexMap.end()

Что делать?

Посты: 960
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
15-07-2010 12:07 GMT3 час. #1292074   
Rot 999 несколько верхних строк пришли, этого лога мало

Last Day Mod Team work |==>>>ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ДЕНЬ
Кто понял с первого раза,
Тот ловит музу,
Когда каждая фраза
Ломает все сразу.
Rot 999
Посты: 153
Откуда: Минеральные Воды
15-07-2010 12:18 GMT3 час. #1292082   
log started (console and aiwrapper.log)
loading aiwrapper.ini
loading game_levels.ltx
updating $2215_game_levels$\atp_1\level.ai
updating $2215_game_levels$\atp_1\level.gct.raw
updating $2215_game_levels$\atp_1\level.graph
updating $2215_game_levels$\atp_1\level.spawn
ignoring trailing garbage at m_dog.ltx:287
ignoring trailing garbage at m_pseudodog.ltx:281
ignoring trailing garbage at m_poltergeist.ltx:305
updating $2215_game_levels$\atp_2\level.ai
updating $2215_game_levels$\atp_2\level.gct.raw
updating $2215_game_levels$\atp_2\level.graph
updating $2215_game_levels$\atp_2\level.spawn
updating $2215_game_config$\game_graphs.ltx
updating $2215_game_config$\game_levels.ltx
updating $2215_game_config$\game_story_ids.ltx
launching 'xrAI.exe -m'
updating $game_data$\game.graph
updating $game_levels$\atp_1\level.gct
updating $game_levels$\atp_1\level.gct.raw
updating $game_levels$\atp_2\level.gct
updating $game_levels$\atp_2\level.gct.raw

Вот. После этого выдаёт ошибку, и в ошибке пишется то, что я написал выше.

Посты: 960
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
15-07-2010 14:39 GMT3 час. #1292153   

идет загрузка уровня, доходит до определенного момента, выскакивает эта ошибка и после этого исчезает весь спавн элемент на уровне, как решить?

Last Day Mod Team work |==>>>ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ДЕНЬ
Кто понял с первого раза,
Тот ловит музу,
Когда каждая фраза
Ломает все сразу.
Посты: 1242
Откуда: Кемеровская обл, г.Новокузнецк
Возраст: 31
15-07-2010 15:27 GMT3 час. #1292179   
Rot 999 спрячь под спойлер. Теперь об ошибке. Если ты декомпилишь локу с тем чтобы ее потом заново скомпилить то используй в батнике декомпиляции команду -with_lods

Сделай лоды этим обьектам:
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0000_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0001_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0002.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0002_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0003.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0003_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0004_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0005_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0006.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0006_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0007_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0008_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0009.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0009_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0010.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0010_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0010.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0010_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0011.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0011_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0011.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0011_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0011.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0011_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0012.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0012_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0013.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0013_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0013.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0013_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0014.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0014_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0015.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0015_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0015.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0015_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0016.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0016_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0016.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0016_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0016.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0016_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0016.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0016_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0017.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0017_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0017.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0017_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0017.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0017_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0017.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0017_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0017.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0017_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0018.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0018_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0019.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0019_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0020.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0020_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0021.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0021_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0022.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0022_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0023.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0023_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0023.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0023_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0024.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0024_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0025_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0026.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0026_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0026.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0026_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0027_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0028.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0028_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0028.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0028_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0028.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0028_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0029.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0029_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0030.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0030_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0030.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0030_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0030.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0030_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0031.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0031_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0032.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0032_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0033.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0033_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0034.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0034_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0035.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0035_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0035.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0035_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0036.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0036_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0037.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0037_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0038.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0038_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0039.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0039_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0040.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0040_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0041.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0041_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0042.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0042_nm.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0043.dds'
!There is no texture 'gamedata\textures\lod\lod_levels_lost_village_lost_village_lod0043_nm.dds'

Чтобы не было этой ошибки:
*ERROR: Scene has '22065' non associated face!
! - scene object: 'trees\new_trees\bush_1_03' [O:'trees\new_trees\bush_1_03', M:' ']
! - scene object: 'trees\new_trees\bush_1_01' [O:'trees\new_trees\bush_1_01', M:' ']
! - scene object: 'trees\new_trees\bush_1_02' [O:'trees\new_trees\bush_1_02', M:' ']
! - scene object: 'trees\new_trees\bush_2_01' [O:'trees\new_trees\bush_2_01', M:' ']
! - scene object: 'trees\new_trees\trees_topol_1_01' [O:'trees\new_trees\trees_topol_1_01', M:' ']
! - scene object: 'trees\new_trees\bush_3_01' [O:'trees\new_trees\bush_3_01', M:' ']
! - scene object: 'trees\new_trees\bush_2_01_0000' [O:'trees\new_trees\bush_2_01', M:' ']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\army_base\prop_army_base_03' [O:'props\objects\army_base\prop_army_base_03', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\musor\blockpost' [O:'props\objects\musor\blockpost', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\bed&mat\prop_bed_02' [O:'props\objects\bed&mat\prop_bed_02', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\bed&mat\prop_bed_02_0000' [O:'props\objects\bed&mat\prop_bed_02', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\bed&mat\prop_bed_02_0001' [O:'props\objects\bed&mat\prop_bed_02', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\bed&mat\divan_01' [O:'props\objects\bed&mat\divan_01', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\stol\stol_6' [O:'props\objects\stol\stol_6', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\prop\prop_stul_1' [O:'props\objects\prop\prop_stul_1', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\dekor\gaz_plita' [O:'props\objects\dekor\gaz_plita', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\balon\balon_02' [O:'props\objects\balon\balon_02', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\dekor\tiski_1' [O:'props\objects\dekor\tiski_1', M:'']
! - scene object: 'props\objects\dekor\tiski_1_0000' [O:'props\objects\dekor\tiski_1', M:'']

во вкладке sector убери его (remove default) и создай заново (create default) и выбери Validate sectors

"Все сложное - не нужно, все нужное - просто" (М. Калашников)

>> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Secret of the Zone: Gunslinger's Story. Prologue
Посты: 657
Возраст: 34
15-07-2010 15:49 GMT3 час. #1292185   
Начисто перестал запускаться Xray SDK...:gamer:
Сбойное приложение LevelEditor.exe, версия, штамп времени 0x00000000, сбойный модуль Secur32.dll, версия 6.0.6002.18051, штамп времени 0x4a366084, код исключения 0xc0000005, смещение ошибки 0x000021dc, ИД процесса 0x12e0, время запуска приложения 0x01cb241b860b1fc0.

Прежде чем придираться к чужим соринкам, свои бревна разгребите
Посты: 1242
Откуда: Кемеровская обл, г.Новокузнецк
Возраст: 31
15-07-2010 15:53 GMT3 час. #1292187   
ты как запускал? зайди в папку с установленным сдк. там должен быть батник Level Editor. Запусти через него

"Все сложное - не нужно, все нужное - просто" (М. Калашников)

>> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Secret of the Zone: Gunslinger's Story. Prologue
Посты: 657
Возраст: 34
15-07-2010 15:57 GMT3 час. #1292190   
я так и запускаю, просто я сделал все по инструкции запуск на семерке/висте, и понеслась такая дрянь бесячая
ps. На эмуляторе XP fps ниже плинтуса, пока камера сдвинется на пару метров времени хватит покурить сходить

Прежде чем придираться к чужим соринкам, свои бревна разгребите
Посты: 1242
Откуда: Кемеровская обл, г.Новокузнецк
Возраст: 31
15-07-2010 16:00 GMT3 час. #1292194   
Выверт ооо, у тебя семерка... Тогда фиг его знает из-за чего это.

"Все сложное - не нужно, все нужное - просто" (М. Калашников)

>> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Secret of the Zone: Gunslinger's Story. Prologue
Посты: 650
15-07-2010 16:19 GMT3 час. #1292208   

# Выверт :
Но у меня заводская виста была, я просто ее до семерки опгрейдил, а потом кряк поставил, чтобы не башлять за активацию.... может из-за этого?

Ого. Ну Ось получилась - дерьмо полное!, это точьно. Лично я для семёрки прошил биос, теперь после установки два батника активации запускаю и активация полная, даже на сайте не ругается.

Посты: 650
15-07-2010 16:34 GMT3 час. #1292222   

# Rot 999 :
Блин, опять вопрос...Вот я делаю 2 локации с переходами между ними как здесь: _http://stalkerin.gameru.net/wiki/index.php/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F_-%3DinGame_%D0%90%D0%98%3D- Но вот там, где написано создайте батник с таким текстом:
@start /wait bins\ai\1.exe -g atp_1
@start /wait bins\ai\1.exe -g atp_2

у меня aiwrapper выдаёт ошибку, что не может найти bins\ai\1.exe Что делать?

Странный тутор, сначала на один уровень всё ставим, потом на другой, не билдя не компиля. Аи компиллер от Нео зачем то, если есть аивраппер. Список небходимых программ тоже впечатлил.

Список необходимых программ
AiCompiler 0.1 от Neo
AiWrapper от bardak'а
Info_LVID_GVID скрипт от bardak'а
SDK 0.4 от GSC
SDK Update от Neo + GSC
Fixed Shaders от Haron
патч для SDK 0.3 от Haron

из всего этого надо только сдк и бардаковский набор

Посты: 960
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
15-07-2010 16:42 GMT3 час. #1292230   
pervintin во первых это старый тутор, а во вторых не у всех просчитываются координаты и графы в переходах

зы. по моему логу я уже все решил.

Last Day Mod Team work |==>>>ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ДЕНЬ
Кто понял с первого раза,
Тот ловит музу,
Когда каждая фраза
Ломает все сразу.
Rot 999
Посты: 153
Откуда: Минеральные Воды
15-07-2010 17:00 GMT3 час. #1292242   
pervintin, может, расскажешь как надо? Мне очень важно это.

Посты: 960
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
15-07-2010 17:13 GMT3 час. #1292256   
Rot 999 ты переходы хочешь сделать?

Last Day Mod Team work |==>>>ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ДЕНЬ
Кто понял с первого раза,
Тот ловит музу,
Когда каждая фраза
Ломает все сразу.
Rot 999
Посты: 153
Откуда: Минеральные Воды
15-07-2010 17:20 GMT3 час. #1292265   
Да. Две локации и чтобы между ними гулять можно было.
З. Ы. И странно, что у меня Lost Village не билдит...

Посты: 960
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
15-07-2010 17:21 GMT3 час. #1292268   
Rot 999 этот тутор более простой, есле че будет не понятно пиши, а что именно с лост вилладж?

Last Day Mod Team work |==>>>ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ДЕНЬ
Кто понял с первого раза,
Тот ловит музу,
Когда каждая фраза
Ломает все сразу.
Посты: 650
15-07-2010 17:30 GMT3 час. #1292277   
Ещё раз, тутор с нуля, иначе, вы набилдили в сдк напихали дерьма, потом у вас не срастается.
Один вот пытался
уже всё сделал, и на распаковке оллспауна в асдс засыпался, ну прям в самом конце.

Устанавливаем сдк, копируем в него всю распакованную папку геймдата версии 1.0004 или выше с заменой файлов.
Сначала придумываем название новой локи (например - fuck)дописываем локу в конфиги
game_levels.ltx вот так
name = fuck
caption = "fuck"
offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 22
и в конфиг game_maps_single.ltx вот так
texture = map\map_aes_1
bound_rect = -256.776, -747.782, 1398.440, 850.523
global_rect = 253.0, 74.0, 737.0,541.358704
weathers = default
music_tracks = l12_stancia_2_musics

Или тупо копируем эти конфиги здесь, и пихаем в сдк
; level12
; level18
; level21

; level119
; level121
; level125
; level126
; level127
; level129
; level131
; level133
; level134
; level136
; level141
; level150

; for Hardware testing

name = L01_Escape
caption = "L01_Escape"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 0.0
id = 01

name = L02_Garbage
caption = "L02_Garbage"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
id = 02

name = L03_Agroprom
caption = "L03_Agroprom"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
id = 03

name = l03u_agr_underground
caption = "l03u_agr_underground"
offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 04

name = l04_darkvalley
caption = "l04_darkvalley"
offset = 4000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
id = 05

name = l04u_LabX18
caption = "l04u_LabX18"
offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 06

name = L05_Bar
caption = "L05_Bar"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
id = 07

name = L06_rostok
caption = "L06_rostok"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
id = 08

name = l08_yantar
caption = "l08_yantar"
offset = 1000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
id = 09

name = l08u_brainlab
caption = "l08u_brainlab"
offset = 1000.0, 800.0, 2000.0
id = 10

name = L07_Military
caption = "L07_Military"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 3000.0
id = 11

name = L09_Deadcity
caption = "L09_Deadcity"
offset = 1000.0, 1000.0, 3000.0
id = 12

name = l10_radar
caption = "l10_radar"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 13

name = L11_Pripyat
caption = "L11_Pripyat"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 5000.0
id = 14

name = L12_Stancia
caption = "L12_Stancia"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 8000.0
id = 15

name = L12U_Sarcofag
caption = "L12U_Sarcofag"
offset = 2000.0, 1200.0, 8000.0
id = 16

name = l12u_control_monolith
caption = "l12u_control_monolith"
offset = 2000.0, 1400.0, 8000.0
id = 17

name = k01_darkscape
caption = "k01_darkscape"
offset = 4000.0, 1000.0, 0.0
id = 18

name = L12_Stancia_2
caption = "L12_Stancia_2"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 9000.0
id = 19

name = l10u_bunker
caption = "l10u_bunker"
offset = 3000.0, 800.0, 4000.0
id = 20

name = l23_final_battle
caption = "l23_final_battle"
offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 9000.0
id = 21

name = monster_tests
caption = "monster_tests"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 100

name = jim_agro
caption = "jim_agro"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 101

name = stohe_selo
caption = "stohe_selo"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
weathers = stancia
id = 102

name = ai_test
caption = "ai_test"
offset = -1000.0, 0.0, -1000.0
id = 103

name = ai_test2
caption = "ai_test2"
offset = -1000.0, 0.0, -1500.0
id = 104

name = jim_dark
caption = "jim_dark"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 105

name = chugai_test
caption = "chugai_test"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 106

name = $debug$\y_selo
caption = "$debug$\y_selo"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 107

name = slipch_al_test
caption = "slipch_al_test"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 108

name = slipch_al_test2
caption = "slipch_al_test2"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 109

name = krondor_selo
caption = "krondor_selo"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 110

name = zmey_selo2
caption = "zmey_selo2"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 111

name = zmey_test2
caption = "zmey_test2"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 112

name = slipch_lab
caption = "slipch_lab"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 113

name = slipch_selo
caption = "slipch_selo"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 114

name = chugai_ai_test
caption = "chugai_ai_test"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 115

name = ivan_test
caption = "ivan_test"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 116

name = l01_escape_ph_test
caption = "l01_escape_ph_test"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 117

name = l02_garbage_ai
caption = "l02_garbage_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 118

name = l03_agroprom_ai
caption = "l03_agroprom_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 119

name = l03u_agroprom_ai
caption = "l03u_agroprom_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 120

name = l04u_LabX18_ai
caption = "l04u_LabX18_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 121

name = l04u_labx18_proba
caption = "l04u_labx18_proba"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 122

name = l05_rostok_ai
caption = "l05_rostok_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 125

name = L05_Rostok
caption = "L05_Rostok"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 126

name = l05_bar_ai
caption = "l05_bar_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 127

name = L07_Military_proba
caption = "L07_Military_proba"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 128

name = l08_yantar_ai
caption = "l08_yantar_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 129

name = l17_radar_underground_ai
caption = "l17_radar_underground_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 130

name = l10_radar_ai
caption = "l10_radar_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 131

name = l12_stancia_2ch_proba
caption = "l12_stancia_2ch_proba"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 132

name = l12u_sarcofag_ai
caption = "l12u_sarcofag_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 133

name = l12u_control_monolith_ai
caption = "l12u_control_monolith_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 134

name = l12_stancia_1ch_proba
caption = "l12_stancia_1ch_proba"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 135

name = k01_darkscape_r
caption = "k01_darkscape_r"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 136

name = l18_pripyat_ai
caption = "l18_pripyat_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 137

name = selo2
caption = "selo2"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 139

name = vovan_test
caption = "vovan_test"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 140

name = l03u_agr_underground_oles
caption = "l03u_agr_underground_oles"
offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 141

name = l04u_LabX18_oles
caption = "l04u_LabX18_oles"
offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 142

name = l04u_labx18_test
caption = "l04u_labx18_test
offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 143

name = k01_darkscape_ct
caption = "k01_darkscape_ct"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 145

name = l24_sarcofag_mental
caption = "l24_sarcofag_mental"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 146

name = chugai_test1
caption = "chugai_test1"
offset = -700.0, 0.0, -1500.0
id = 147

name = chugai_test2
caption = "chugai_test2"
offset = -700.0, 0.0, -1000.0
id = 148

name = selo3
caption = "selo3"
offset = -500.0, 0.0, -1500.0
id = 149

name = l12_deadcity_ai
caption = "l12_deadcity_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 150

name = wik_selo
caption = "wik_selo"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 151

name = l08u_brainlab_ai
caption = "l08u_brainlab_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 152

name = l04_darkvalley_ai
caption = "l04_darkvalley_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 153

name = agro_under
caption = "agro_under"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 154

name = l23_soznanie_ai
caption = "l23_soznanie_ai"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 155

name = doc_test
caption = "doc_test"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 156

name = plecha_selo
caption = "plecha_selo"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 157

name = l04_darkvalley_ct
caption = "l04_darkvalley_ct"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 158

name = ai_test_new
caption = "ai_test_new"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 159

name = stason_test
caption = "stason_test"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 160

name = bar_arena
caption = "bar_arena"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 161

name = koan_test
caption = "koan_test"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 162

name = L07_Military_test
caption = "L07_Military_test"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 163

name = haron_selo_towers
caption = "haron_selo_towers"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
id = 164

name = l17_radar_underground_r
caption = "l17_radar_underground_r"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
weathers = sarkofag
id = 165

name = l06_rostok_demo
caption = "l06_rostok"
offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 11000.0
id = 166

name = L05_Bar_HW
caption = "L05_Bar_HW"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
id = 167

name = L03_Agroprom_HW
caption = "L03_Agroprom_HW"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
id = 168

name = l03u_agr_underground_HW
caption = "l03u_agr_underground_HW"
offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 169

name = fuck
caption = "fuck"
offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 22


music\amb01 = 0, 12, 0.5, 10,20
music\amb03 = 0, 12, 0.5, 10,15
music\amb07 = 12,24, 1.0, 5, 25

texture = ui\ui_global_map
bound_rect = 0.0,0.0, 1024, 2634.0
max_zoom = 6.0

texture = map\map_escape
bound_rect = -317.164, -633.718, 404.880, 811.627
global_rect = 355.0,2011.0, 576.0,2453.000000
weathers = default
music_tracks = l01_escape_musics

texture = map\map_garbage
bound_rect = -322.334, -347.225, 321.685, 318.000
global_rect = 371.0,1767.0,561.0,1963.256226
weathers = default
music_tracks = l02_garbage_musics

texture = map\map_agroprom
bound_rect = -266.505, -355.611, 331.388, 213.838
global_rect = 161.0, 1834.0, 344.0,2008.293945
weathers = default
;music_tracks = l03_agroprom_musics
music_tracks = l01_escape_musics

texture = map\map_agr_underground
bound_rect = -137.000, -147.000, -35.302, 50.254
global_rect = 255.0, 1900.0, 257.0, 1903.879150
weathers = indoor
music_tracks = l03u_agr_underground_musics

texture = map\map_darkvalley
bound_rect = -445.320, -663.867, 449.864, 231.317
global_rect = 567.0, 1608.0, 1003.0,2044.338
weathers = pripyat
music_tracks = l04_darkvalley_musics

texture = map\map_labx18_map
bound_rect = -51.236, -37.911, 47.999, 81.159
global_rect = 788.0, 1144.0, 790.0, 1146.399780
weathers = indoor_x18
;music_tracks = l04_labx18_musics

texture = map\map_bar
bound_rect = 0.000, -512.030, 512.000, 512.001
global_rect = 407.0,1414.0,556.0,1712
weathers = default
;music_tracks = l05_bar_musics

texture = map\map_rostok
bound_rect = -512.000, -512.030, 0.000, 512.001
global_rect = 258.0,1414.0,407.0,1712
weathers = default
music_tracks = l06_rostok_musics

texture = map\map_military
bound_rect = -443.567, -130.466, 196.434, 509.534
global_rect = 414.0,1217.0,604,1406.999756
weathers = default
music_tracks = l07_military_musics

texture = map\map_yantar
bound_rect = -282.869, -432.963, 287.342, 138.271
global_rect = 93.0,1566.0,256.0,1729.292480
weathers = yantar
music_tracks = l08_yantar_musics

texture = map\map_mind
bound_rect = -146.670, -41.626, 153.227, 21.611
global_rect = 172.0,1612.0,174.0,1614.0
weathers = indoor
music_tracks = l08u_brainlab_musics

texture = map\map_radar
bound_rect = -136.256, -503.108, 714.384, 353.524
global_rect = 527.0,975.0,769.0,1218.704712
weathers = radar
music_tracks = l10_radar_musics

global_rect = 588.0, 1082.0, 590.0, 1084.0
weathers = indoor
music_tracks = l10u_bunker_musics

texture = map\map_pripyat
bound_rect = -529.399, -457.516, 574.854, 769.050
global_rect = 457.0, 586.0, 798.0, 964.770996
weathers = pripyat
music_tracks = l11_pripyat_musics

texture = map\map_aes_1
bound_rect = -256.776, -747.782, 1398.440, 850.523
global_rect = 253.0, 74.0, 737.0,541.358704
weathers = stancia
music_tracks = l12_stancia_musics

global_rect = 440.0, 333.0, 442.0, 335.0
weathers = sarkofag
music_tracks = l12u_sarcofag_musics

global_rect = 440.0, 333.0, 442.0, 335.0
weathers = indoor
music_tracks = l12u_control_musics

texture = map\map_aes_1
bound_rect = -256.776, -747.782, 1398.440, 850.523
global_rect = 253.0, 74.0, 737.0,541.358704
weathers = stancia2
music_tracks = l12_stancia_2_musics

texture = map\map_aes_1
bound_rect = -256.776, -747.782, 1398.440, 850.523
global_rect = 253.0, 74.0, 737.0,541.358704
weathers = default
music_tracks = l03_agroprom_musics

global_rect = 767.0, 1827.0, 855.0,1978.0
;texture = ui\ui_global_map
;bound_rect = 0.0,0.0, 5000.0,10000.0
weathers = indoor

global_rect = -6,1220.0, 248.0,1481.0
texture = map\map_deadcity
bound_rect = -502.148,-412.284,379.976,474,479
weathers = mrachno

texture = map\map_andy_test
global_rect = 100.0,900.0, 209.563507,982.172606
bound_rect = -150.000,-100.000, 50.000,50.000
;weathers = test
weathers = default
;weathers = indoor
;weathers = indoor_x18
;weathers = yantar
;weathers = radar
;weathers = pripyat

;weathers = stancia

;weathers = sarkofag
;weathers = stancia2
music_tracks = l01_escape_musics

texture = map\map_test
bound_rect = -150.000, -100.000, 52.927, 50.000
global_rect = 156.0,833.0,365.691223,988.0
music_tracks = l03_agroprom_musics

потом запускаем сдк, открывем локу mp_atp_test, удаляем у неё все спаун элементы и ставим на неё аисетку. Потом ставим на аисетку графпоинт. Лезем графпоинту в настройки и вбиваем
Имя to_esc
имя карты из списка эскейп
имя точки esc_graph_point
ставим второй графпоинт и вбиваем ему только имя start_actor_01
потом ставим переход левел ченджер, ему вбиваем
левел ту чендж ставим уровень кордон (из списка)
и левел поинт ту чанг ставим start_actor_01
Делаем для левел ченджера зону влияния, и атачим к зоне, (чтоб флаг левелченджера попал в центр зелёного круга)
называем свою локу fuck, настраиваем на драфт и билдим.
Появится папка fuck
Компилим локу
Собираем аивраппером 4 батника
Копируем в игру из сдк: Локу, геймграф, конфиги game_levels.ltx и game_maps_single.ltx, и от всех локаций level.gct (в данном случае стартуем на кордоне, поэтому хватит для теста level.gct только от кордона)
И последнее, спауним на кордон переход на АТП.
Пихаем в асдс оллспаун из сдк, распаковываем его.
Открываем alife_l01_escape.ltx и в самый низ дописываем:

section_name = level_changer
name = exit_to_new_location_from_esc
position = -227.99780273438,-20.196380615234,-146.92416381836
direction = 0,0,0
game_vertex_id = 47
distance = 14.6999998092651
level_vertex_id = 26545
object_flags = 0xffffff3e
custom_data = < --[pt_move_if_reject]
path = esc_way_test_if_reject--
story_id = 15000
shapes = shape0
shape0:type = box
shape0:axis_x = 5.8284006118774,0,0
shape0:axis_y = 0,5.0005970001221,0
shape0:axis_z = 0,0,5.3902206420898
shape0:offset = 0,0,0
restrictor_type = 3

dest_game_vertex_id = 2793
dest_level_vertex_id = 386509
dest_position = 99.4886779785156,1.01412963867188,128.788879394531
dest_direction = 0,0,0
dest_level_name = my_level1
dest_graph_point = start_actor_01

Открываем alife_lxx_unknown.ltx, и видим там свой переход, который ставили в сдк

; cse_abstract properties
section_name = level_changer
name = _level_changer
position = 104.833930969238,-7.15655994415283,-16.3912544250488
direction = 0,0,0

; cse_alife_object properties
game_vertex_id = 2792
distance = 0
level_vertex_id = 4185
object_flags = 0xffffff3e

; cse_shape properties
shapes = shape0
shape0:type = sphere
shape0:offset = 0,0,0
shape0:radius = 1.5453987121582

; cse_alife_space_restrictor properties
restrictor_type = 0

; cse_alife_level_changer properties
dest_game_vertex_id = 65535
dest_level_vertex_id = 4294967295
dest_position = 0,0,0
dest_direction = 0,0,0
dest_level_name = L01_Escape
dest_graph_point = start_actor_01

остаётся вбить координаты, для перехода на кордоне берём
dest_game_vertex_id = (берём цифры из game_vertex_id = от перехода на АТП)
dest_level_vertex_id = (берём цифры из level_vertex_id = от перехода на АТП)
dest_position = (берём цифры из position = от перехода на АТП)

Для перехода на АТП делаем так же, но в обратном направлении, то есть цифры берём от перехода на кордоне.
Всё! Сохраняем лтиксы, запаковываем в оллспаун и в игру.
Говорим с Сидором, идём к Волку, мимо первого охранника, И встаём перед вопросом - "перейти на другую локацию?"

Посты: 79
Откуда: Брест
Возраст: 30
15-07-2010 18:50 GMT3 час. #1292352   
объясните почему такой вылет???

добавлено спустя 14 минут

пропустил xrDO_light.bat, но теперь такой вылет...

Что с этим делать?? Как это можно исправить???

отредактировал(а) sevitov_yura: 15-07-2010 19:04 GMT3 час.

Посты: 960
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
15-07-2010 20:12 GMT3 час. #1292437   
sevitov_yura 8-)8-)8-)этот лог был на предидущих стр, у тебя один из граф поинтов указанных в логе вылез за аи сетку8-)

Last Day Mod Team work |==>>>ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ДЕНЬ
Кто понял с первого раза,
Тот ловит музу,
Когда каждая фраза
Ломает все сразу.
Посты: 79
Откуда: Брест
Возраст: 30
15-07-2010 20:36 GMT3 час. #1292457   
Sine, как я понимаю, прога ругается на конекшен-поинт "CONNECT_MOD_LOCATION", который ссылается на граф-поинт "CONNECT_ESCAPE" на кордоне, но я её не создал на кордоне. Скорее всего из-за этого графпонита (он не существует на кордоне).

Как добавить этот самый граф-поинт на кордон?? Надо кордон разбирать, штобы обойти эту ошибку или как по другому?????

Посты: 960
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
15-07-2010 20:44 GMT3 час. #1292463   
sevitov_yura разбираешь кордон, добавляешь этот граф поинт, делаешь мэйк гейм и собираешь левел граф карты а затем глабал граф и алл спавн

Last Day Mod Team work |==>>>ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ДЕНЬ
Кто понял с первого раза,
Тот ловит музу,
Когда каждая фраза
Ломает все сразу.
Посты: 79
Откуда: Брест
Возраст: 30
16-07-2010 01:21 GMT3 час. #1292601   
Посмотрите пожалуйста) Когда я открываю последний батник "5AllSpawn.bat", то в командной строке появляется много строчек... затем открыввается окошко, спустя минуту выскакивает "CONGRATULATION", жму OK, потом в командной строке опять появляется много строчек и в конце вылетает такое:

Что с этим делать??((

в папке SDK\level editor\gamedata\spawns файлик оллспавн оригинальный... в игру как я думаю надо помещать оллспавн из папки 2215\gamedata\spawns.. но там другой файл: l01_escape.spawn.
Подскажите что мне с ними нужно сделать, он и с помощью ACDC не распаковывается, может это из-за предыдущей ошибки?? Или какой оллспавн нужно распаковать и дописать по статье pervintin, немного выше???

Посты: 650
16-07-2010 04:40 GMT3 час. #1292624   

# sevitov_yura :
в папке SDK\level editor\gamedata\spawns файлик оллспавн оригинальный... в игру как я думаю надо помещать оллспавн из папки 2215\gamedata\spawns.. но там другой файл: l01_escape.spawn.
Подскажите что мне с ними нужно сделать, он и с помощью ACDC не распаковывается, может это из-за предыдущей ошибки?? Или какой оллспавн нужно распаковать и дописать по статье pervintin, немного выше???

В папку аивраппера 2215\ никогда не лезь, там он для себя хранит.
Распаковывть надо оллспаун из геймдаты сдк, когда пятым батником собрал оллспаун.

Посты: 960
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
16-07-2010 10:56 GMT3 час. #1292777   
sevitov_yura у тебя с эскейпом косяк какойто

Last Day Mod Team work |==>>>ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ДЕНЬ
Кто понял с первого раза,
Тот ловит музу,
Когда каждая фраза
Ломает все сразу.
Посты: 123
Возраст: 41
16-07-2010 14:28 GMT3 час. #1292963   
Ребята делал свой террейн и нужно было установить плагин в 3d_ max я всё сделал как в туторе но выскочила такая ошибка

Следующий вопрос в 3d Max я стыкнулся с следующим когда нужно было на террейн наложить текстуру земли в туторе было вот так

А у меня не было параметров сталкера

1. Вы сейчас в интернете
2. Вы на сайте stalker-portal
3. Вы читаете
5. Вы не заметили, что отсутствует пункт 4
6. Вы это проверили
7. Вы улыбаетесь
8. Поставь себе в подпись и нас будет больше
Посты: 1047
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
16-07-2010 17:11 GMT3 час. #1293086   
А в all.spawn обязательно лесть надо?

Посты: 960
Откуда: Краснодар
Возраст: 30
16-07-2010 18:38 GMT3 час. #1293173   
djslavikoz плагин криво установил

Last Day Mod Team work |==>>>ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ДЕНЬ
Кто понял с первого раза,
Тот ловит музу,
Когда каждая фраза
Ломает все сразу.
Rot 999
Посты: 153
Откуда: Минеральные Воды
16-07-2010 18:46 GMT3 час. #1293184   
Блин, не билдит уровень, пишет Validation FAILED. Нажимаю ОК, потом выдает ошибку: ERROR. Validation failed. Invalid scene. Из-за чего?

Форумы Архив » Свалка SDK для игры S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (по 18.07.10)

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